- Elder/dependent adult abuse is one of the most underreported crimes in the country, with approximately 1 in 20 elders being abused, as well as an unknown but larger number of dependent adults.
- Elder/dependent adult abuse is a repetitive crime that often involves multiple types of ongoing abuse.
- After controlling for age, comorbidity, and socioeconomic factors, abused elders are 3x more likely to die than nonabused seniors.
- JAMA 1998;280:428
- Neglect can wrongly be attributed to depression or dementia.
- Once pressure ulcers appear, they are much more likely to recur in the same place with minimal trauma, and therefore become a chronic problem.
- Elderly women may be too ashamed to report sexual abuse.
- Some studies report over 50% of female dependent adults are sexually abused, often repeatedly.
- Self neglect is one of the largest categories of abuse, and is reportable.
- Screening the caregiver can help identify caregiver frustration and burnout, which can then be addressed to help prevent abuse.